Boring sunday what should I do? I thought it would be cool to paint. Haven´t painted anything in a long time. First I have to clean up a little bit. Maybe little tattooing, damn this isn´t going to be boring after all.
What should I do in the new years eve? Miss A. has evening shift, I´m kind of broke till the end of December... No idea, every bar is full and probably all of my friends is going some bar or club. I would love to go to Klubi, Madwave party there but I think it is the best thing to just stay in home or something like that. I really look forward to weekend, Back to Orimattila, but this time I dont come home with empty hands or should I say head, I´ll post a pic then. Really big thanks and hugs for Junnu, hopefully everything goes as we have planned.
2008 has been propably one of the most intense year in my life, 2006 was the worst, I strongly believe that 2009 is going to be the best. Well time to put some heavy music and start cleaning, Devildriver will do...
I really want Klein´s bottle. I have found one shop which sell´s them. Hopely I find one in Finland. They cost something like 50€. As you can see in the picture above, it would be blast to drink wine from that thing.
Wow that thing looks crazy. Nice blog by the way.
ReplyDeleteYes it looks. I´m not sure can someone find topology practically usefull. I´m sure that it is hundred times easier to drink your wine from reqular (what ever that means) bottle than from Klein bottle, but anyway. Where geometry is interested in areas, spaces etc. topology is more like interested in shapes of different kind of objects in predefined spaces.
ReplyDeleteIn philosophical aspect, it is interesting to imagine the properties of materials, laws of physics which they obey and their relationships to the abstract state of being known as mathematics with their own degrees of freedom. Main focus in the relation itself, not in the parts which relate one each other.